Quote Sports Insurance - Paragliding Injury Insurance

Here at Quote Sports insurance, we can offer you specialist paragliding insurance that covers you for the most common paragliding injuries; this type of personal accident cover is essential for your safety.

Suppose you are searching for suitable sports insurance that covers injury when paragliding. In that case, our team here at Quote Sports Insurance can help you, be sure to fill in our online quotation form, and we will get in touch about the personal injury and liability insurance we can provide you.

Please bear in mind we do not offer sports travel insurance; we specialise in injury insurance. This can cover tandem paragliding and solo paragliders who are injured whilst paragliding.

What is Paragliding Injury Insurance?

Paragliding injury insurance is specialised insurance specifically designed for individuals participating in paragliding activities. The coverage provides financial protection if the policyholder is injured while participating in the sport. It covers medical expenses, rehabilitation, accidental death and lost income from an injury sustained while paragliding.

It is essential for individuals who engage in paragliding to consider purchasing this coverage because the sport carries a certain degree of risk, and the costs associated with an injury can be substantial.

In addition to providing financial protection for everyday life, paragliding injury insurance also gives individuals peace of mind, knowing that they will be covered in the event of an accident or injury while participating in the sport.

Paragliding Personal Accident Cover by Quote Sports Insurance

Whether you're a professional pilot, an experienced amateur or new to the sport, the possibility of injury can never be ruled out. Paragliding injury insurance should be an essential part of any Paragliding pilot's kit.

Quote Sports Insurance can help you find the best Paragliding injury insurance. Our services include access to the following:

What type of Paragliding cover do you require?

Income Protection

I need an income
if I can't work...

Life Insurance

If I'm critically injured,
I need a lump sum...

Health Insurance

If I'm injured, I want to
get it sorted quickly...

Is Personal Liability & Injury Insurance important for paragliders?

Yes! Personal injury insurance is essential for paragliders. We find that most paragliders take out insurance to cover their sports equipment and to help with medical treatment abroad (when not country of residence injury occurs), but what about when you are competing or training in the UK? You need to make sure you have paragliding injury insurance in the UK.

Paragliding is a sport that carries a certain degree of risk, and the costs associated with an injury can be substantial. Personal injury insurance provides financial protection in-case of an accident or injury while participating in the sport.

This type of insurance covers medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, accidental death and lost income from an injury sustained while paragliding.

Having personal injury insurance can give paragliders peace of mind knowing that they will be covered in the event of an accident or injury.

Without this coverage, individuals may be responsible for paying out of pocket for medical expenses and lost income, which can be financially devastating. For these reasons, personal injury insurance is essential for anyone participating in paragliding.

What to look for in Paragliding Injury Insurance policies?

When evaluating paragliding injury insurance policies, we recommend you consider the following factors:

  1. Coverage: Ensure the policy covers accidents related to paragliding and injury sustained during the activity
  2. Limitations: Check if there are any exclusions or limitations in the policy, such as a specific age limit or restrictions on activities
  3. Repatriation: Consider if the policy covers repatriation costs if you need to be transported to your home country for treatment
  4. Personal Liability: Check if the policy provides coverage for personal liability in case you cause injury or damage to third parties while paragliding
  5. Worldwide Coverage: Some policies only cover accidents in specific countries, ensuring the policy provides worldwide coverage
  6. Deductibles: Be aware of any deductibles that apply to the policy, as this will affect the amount you have to pay out of pocket for a claim
  7. Premium: Consider the cost of the premium and if it is worth it for the level of coverage provided
  8. Insurance Provider: Choose an insurance provider with a good reputation for handling claims efficiently and fairly

Why choose Quote Sports Insurance for Paragliding Injury Insurance?

Here are some reasons why you might choose Quote Sports Insurance for their Paragliding injury insurance:

We are confident you will love choosing a policy with our team here at Quote Sports Insurance; with specialist insurance brokers specialising in injury insurance, we are confident you will find the paragliding sports insurance you require.

We can offer individual, couple, family, group and even sports club solutions. Fill in our online form today to find out more and for one of our team members to contact you.

Did you know we can offer Sports Club Insurance solutions?

Do you run a sports club? Does injury insurance cover your club? If not, you are in the right place! We can provide you with sports club insurance solutions at Quote Sports Insurance.

Sports club insurance is insurance coverage designed to protect sports clubs and their assets, including their facilities, equipment, and players.

It covers financial losses from various events such as accidents. The insurance policy can also protect against injury or death of players, participants, and staff and compensation for loss of income due to events beyond their control.

Sports clubs need adequate insurance coverage to safeguard against unexpected events and financial losses. If you are part of a sports club, run a sports club or are looking to set one up, be sure to fill in our online quote form, our team here at Quote Sports Insurance will then be in touch about how we can help you!

Choose Quote Sports Insurance for Paragliding Injury Insurance - complete our online form to find out more!